Lesa meira um 1986

1st place: Greifarnir

2nd place: Drykkir innbyrðis

3rd Place: The Voice

The following 22 bands competed: Alexis, Antarah, Baron blitz, Chao Chao, Drykkir innbyrðis, Fúþark, Fyrirbæri, Greifarnir, Halldór og fýlupúkarnir, Hættulegur innflutningur, Konsert, Lalli og ljósastauragengið, No time, Ofris, Pereat-piltarnir, Rocket, Sex púkar, Splendit, Sviðakjammar, Voice, Watt, and Þema. It appears that three more bands were registered but did not compete: Mosi frændi, Sigga band, and Wonder.

Did You Know?

  • The Music Experiments were broadcast live on Rás 2 for the first time.
  • Hljóðriti, Stúdíó Stemma, and Mjöt each provided 20 hours of studio time.
  • Sigurband signed a contract with Reykjavík City and performed at Reykjavík's 200th anniversary celebration!
  • The company Íslensk framleiðsla (Icelandic Production) offered the top 5 bands to release their material on cassettes.
  • Admission was 150 kr.
  • Each band played 4 songs.
  • Greifarnir, with Felix Bergsson, won first place, but they had competed the previous year under the name Special Treatment.

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