1st place: Stæner
2nd place: Bisund
3rd place: Mad methods
The following 40 bands competed: Ambindrylla, Amnesia, Bad toys, Bisund, Cupid, D-7, Duffel, Dúnmjúkar kanínur, Endemi, Equal, Farmerarnir, Frances, Fussumsvei, Gleðibankinn, Guð, Hit Móses, Insurcion, Jah, Kókóhundur, Krumpreður, Körkvúdd, Læderskurkene, Mad methods, Mímir, Mosaeyðir, Oblivion, The Outrage, Óvana, Phantasmagoria, Rennireið, Silfurrefur, Skít puzz, Sofandi, Spectrum, Splæsing nönn, Spúnk, Stæner, Sultur, Útbrot, and Vein.
Did You Know?
- The rules have changed: the audience chooses one band and the judges choose another on the semi-finals. (2 if they want to)
- Two all-female bands participated this year.
- Only one band singing in English has won in the past 12 years.
- The sound studio Núlist offers special Núlist Awards: 25 studio recording hours.
- Japís gives special awards to rappers.
- Almost two hundred people attend the first night of the semi-finals.
- There is a lot of electronic music and duos that perform that type of music; drum'n'break, etc.
- Læderskurkene had 2 breakdancers on stage with them.
- Bands now play 3 songs in the competition and 3 songs in the finals.
- Members of Botnleðja and Quarashi judged the best instrumentalists this year.
- Núlist sound studio selected Spúnk and Jah to receive the studio recording hours.