Lesa meira um 2019

1st place: Blóðmör

2nd place: Konfekt

3rd place: Ásta

The People’s Band:  Karma Brigade.

Singer: Anna Ingibjörg Þorgeirsdóttir from Konfekt.

Guitarist: Haukur Þór Valdimarsson from Blóðmör.

Bassist: Tumi H. Pálmason from Flammeus.

Pianist/keyboardist: Guðjón Jónsson from Flammeus.

Drummer: Eva Kolbrún Kolbeins from Konfekt.

Electronic Musician:  Guðlaug Sóley Höskuldsdóttir from gugusar.

Icelandic Songwriting:  Ásta Kristín Pjetursdóttir from Ásta.

The Bluesiest Band:  Stefán Thormar

The following 35 bands competed: Amor, Barrrokk, Caravan Kids, Darrii, Flammeus, Hugarró, Meistarar dauðans, Morgunroði & Gráni, Soffía Ósk, Amaurosis, Bjartr, Blóðmör, Fógeti, gugusar, Kisimja, Little Menace, Parasol, Þorvaldssynir, Appolló, Davíð Rist, Eilíf Sjálfsfróun, Kokonutbae, Konfekt, Merkúr, Rós, Silent Sounds, Stefán Thormar, Ásta, Boiling Snakes, Dread Lightly, Global, Hákon Hjaltalín, Karma Brigade, Remony's Voice, THOR.

Did You Know?

  • Blóðmör performed at Westerpop in Delft, Netherlands, with the support of the Stage Europe Network.
  • Collaboration began with The Reykjavík City of Music and Úttón to prepare a course on the music industry entitled Hitakassinn, or the Hot Box. All bands that advanced to the final night were invited.

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