Lesa meira
  1. sæti: Ólafur Kram
  2. sæti: Elíf Sjálfsfróun
  3. sæti: Grafnár

Hljómsveit fólksins: Piparkorn.

Söngvari Músíktilrauna: Halldór Ívar Stefánsson from Eilíf sjálfsfróun.

Gítarleikari Músíktilaruna: Ívar Andri Bjarnason from Sleem.

Bassaleikari Músíktilrauna: Guðmundur Hermann Lárusson from Krownest.

Hljómborðsleikari Músíktilrauna: Magnús Þór Sveinsson from Piparkorn.

Trommuleikari Músíktilrauna: Alexandra Rós Norðkvist from Salamandra, The Parasols og Æsa.

Rafheili Músíktlrauna: Júlíus Óli Jacobsen from Dopamine Machine.

Recognition for Icelandic songwriting: Ólafur Kram

The following 45 bands competed: Grafnár, Keikó, Konráð Óskar, Salamandra, Fógeti, Demo, Tær, Continue, Rós, Little menace, Piparkorn, Rúnar Breki , Krownest, Aria, Límbandið, The parasols, 7.9.13., Buttercups, Sleen, Tötrar, Oddweird, Dopamine Machine, Ælupestó, Ólafur Kram, YOYO69, Eilíf sjálfróun, Karma Brigade, E.C., Atli, Laminar Flow, Cosmic onion, Ballados, Dóra og döðlurnar, Kisimja, El Royalé, Ólafur, Jengah, Sindri og Andri, Æsa, Skullcrusher, Fjórir sveitastrákar, Ingo is an Artist, Mersier, Benedikt, Merkúr.

Interesting facts

  • The Music Experiments were held at the end of May due to restrictions on gatherings in effect for Covid 19. With the 2020 Music Experiments dropped, there was a lot of anticipation for the Music Experiments this year. Many bands that signed up for 2020 waited patiently for the 2021 IME. Due to Covid19 and travel restrictions, the winning band, Ólafur Kram, could neither participate in a Stage Europe Network project nor play at other Icelandic music festivals.

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